1KG of Mixed Offal chunks (Liver,Kidney and Spleen)
MIxed Offal is high in nutrients:
- Iron (Essential for Blood Health)
- Protein (Carries essential amino acids your dog gets from protein contribute to healthy hair and skin, muscle development and tissue repair..)
- Niacin (Niacin helps make up enzymes and is necessary for helping your dog properly metabolise carbohydrate, protein, and fat)
- Zinc (The mineral zinc plays an important role in many substances in the canine body including enzymes, proteins, and hormones. Zinc is also important for immune system function and thyroid function)
- Phosphorus (Essential for Bone Health alongside Calcium)
- Vitamin B (Promotes biochemical reactions to change carbohydrates into glucose providing energy to the body. It is also necessary in a dog’s diet for the absorption of protein and fat)
- Vitamin C (Helps reduce inflammation and cognitive ageing)
- Omega-3 (Essential for eye and brain development/health)
- Omega-6 (Essential for normal reproduction, growth, immune function, and skin and coat health)
Offal Products should be a supplementary part of your pets meal.
Recommended offal intake is 10% of each meal